Customer Experience

Better Business Outcomes:
WPG Advisory

Enhancing Website Messaging and Improving Digital Presence

Matthew Ward | Founding Director, WPG Advisory

What They Said

β€œWarwick and Tony are great to work with, and they continue to be very open about their process. Being based in Sydney provides me with a sense of security, as it assures me that they are a legitimate company and can be held accountable – Matthew Ward, Founding Director.”

About & Background

WPG Advisory, led by Matthew Ward, has established itself as a reputable player in property consultancy services across various sectors in regional New South Wales (NSW). WPG Advisory's primary focus is acting as a buyer's agent for residential investors in regional areas, with additional services in estate planning and vendor advocacy.

WPG Advisory's growth had primarily relied on referrals and repeat business. However, they faced challenges in expanding their reach beyond their traditional network and in dispelling the perception of buyer agents as a niche service.


In this Customer Experience, we explore the progress dovetail digital has made on behalf of WPG Advisory in enhancing their business messaging and improving their digital presence. We focus on the activities conducted during the first 60 days of our initial Digital Maturity Assessment and the ensuing 90-day plan of action.


πŸ‘‰ The primary objective in the first 30 days was to help craft WPG Advisory’s Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to help resonate with their target audience.Β  Days 31-60, we reviewed and updated their existing go-to-market messaging to align with the new ICPs and USPs while analysing their existing Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) position.


πŸ‘‰ In partnership with WPG Advisory, dovetail digital established 3 distinct ICPs. We use these ICPs to help differentiate WPG Advisory from competitors and derive a USP that empowers their target audience in navigating the property buying and selling market with confidence.


Days 1-30

πŸ‘‰ We crafted and internally published WPG Advisor's three Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

πŸ‘‰ We analysed their existing SEO and website content to lay the foundation for future growth and ensure the content aligns with the ICPs and USP.

πŸ‘‰ We started re-crafting their (website) messaging with new copy and some design changes, which was marked to go live on their existing website in the second month.

Days 31-60

πŸ‘‰ We continued to focus on SEO activities increasing the number of keywords to drive organic website traffic and conversion rates.

πŸ‘‰ We finalised and implemented the new messaging on their live website site, while adding the ability to book meetings directly with the team -


Achieved all 3 objectives outlined in the first 60 days of our original 90-day plan i.e. we crafted WPG Advisory’s ICPs and USPs, significantly improved their SEO position, and updated their messaging to align with the ICPs and USPs. Here are some of the real results that have had a big uptick in their SEO performance and website engagement.

πŸ‘‰ Removed 40 On-page Errors.

πŸ‘‰ >200% increase in Website User Engagement (hours & sessions) – Oct 1 to Nov 30, 2023.

πŸ‘‰ Average engagement rate per visitor increased by 29% or 22 secs (53s to 75s).

πŸ‘‰ Overall engagement rate increased by 41.9% (58.86 to 83.55%).

Why are these results important to WPG Advisory?

Thanks to the complex and ever changing search engine algorithms, SEO requires recurring effort and is still a crucial aspect of an organisations digital presence. Here’s why.

πŸ‘‰ Online Visibility – It helps increase online visibility and reach prospective clients during their research phase.

πŸ‘‰ Organic Search – With the demise of 3rd party cookies, organic search (i.e. not paid search) has reignited the need for businesses to be found without the use of advertising.

πŸ‘‰ Trust – SEO is organic, which helps build trust, and in the property industry, trust is the #1 factor influencing customers decisions; a bit like word-of-mouth.

πŸ‘‰ Cost Effective – WPG Advisory came to us after spending β€˜000s of dollars on ad spend with $0 return. Since leaning into our recommendations, they have spent 50% less while building a platform and pathway to better business outcomes.

πŸ‘‰ Stay Ahead – SEO is a powerful strategy to help drive traffics, build credibility, increase awareness and stay ahead of the competition.

Next Steps:

Our focus for WPG Advisory throughout January 2024 will be on strengthening their SEO strategy by introducing strategically written blogs and increasing their social presence via LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Our efforts will adopt the new messaging into the existing framework, ensuring alignment with their ICPs and USPs.


We know it can seem like hard work but with WPG Advisory’s dedication to leaning into our approach to better business outcomes, substantial progress has been made. From sharpening their focus through crafted ICPs and USPs to enhancing their messaging and improving their website traffic and engagement. With these critical components now in place and by aligning their go-to-market messaging with their target audience and optimising their SEO, they are well-positioned for future growth and success in the property buyers’ market.

At dovetail digital, we know business can be hard. But we take the time necessary to get to know your business, first! Our principles are to plan first and encourage our clients to lean into our approach, so that at no stage will you feel you’re going it alone and we are here to get it done for you, and ensure we are always striving to deliver better business outcomes.

When ideas, people, processes, and technology come together, great things do happen.

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