10 Proven Ways To Grow Your Email List Faster

An icon showing a woman with an email on a laptop sending it to four other people.

Did you know your email marketing databases naturally degrade by 22.5% annually? Your users’ email addresses change as they shift from one company to another, unsubscribe from your email list, or abandon an email address they used only to fill out signup forms.

So, your email list will decrease yearly if you do not devise a strategy to create new leads to compensate for this loss. It’s your responsibility to make sure you’re constantly adding new contacts to your email list so you can continue scaling your business.

But how can you do that? First, identify your buyer personas so you know how to best connect with them, and continue reading this post to discover working strategies to help you grow your email list.

1. Create Several Signup Forms

Page Design

To have more email subscribers, you need several signup forms. These give your users increased opportunities to become part of your email list.

You can combine the signup form with a lightbox popup or a floating bar. These effective campaigns make your forms more observable. You can use action and time triggers so that opt-ins do not appear at once in front of your users.

For example, you can create a rule to display the floating bar option when the user passes the sidebar opt-in. Otherwise, you can display a floating bar when the user is about to exit your website.

2. Create an “Email to Family or Friends” Button

You can include a social sharing button and an “Email to Family or Friends” button on your marketing emails. Why? Expanding your contact list will give you access to your users’ colleagues, family, and friends.

Also, include a “subscribe” link at the bottom of your emails so those who receive the forwarded emails can join your email list.

3. Create Exit-Intent Popups

Exit-Intent is a modern technology created by OptinMonster which monitors your user’s mouse pattern and directs them to a signup form. The form is displayed when users are just about to exit your website.

You can use this technology with lightbox popups, full-screen gates, and other opt-in types to transform leaving users into members of your email list.

4. Create Content Upgrades

content upgrade is a strategy where you provide users an opportunity to acquire bonus content when they sign up for your email list. For instance, you can give show notes and transcriptions as an upgrade if you run a podcast. You can include a white paper or PDF file for a lengthy blog post.

User psychology plays a significant part in the success of content upgrades. The Zeigarnik effect says people are more willing to finish a task when they begin it themselves. So, when the user clicks the content upgrade, they are more chances they finish the task by becoming part of your email list.

5. Create Gated Content

Gated Content

Sample gated content by optinmonster.com – by the way, there is an example of our own at the bottom of this page with our free PDF guide to increasing customer engagement!

Gated content is the information on your website which can only be accessed when the user enters an email. You can apply different plugins to conceal the entire post or a part of your content until users enter their email addresses.

Gated content is also known as content locking. When you offer valuable content on your websites, such as an eBook or a course, you can lock the content until the users sign up for membership. It can help you generate leads, create an email list, and grow your business.

OptinMonster is a great email capture tool for those that aren’t ready for a full revenue growth automation platform. It works well when using exclusive content to increase your email list. You can create an inline campaign for locking content on your website.

MemberPress is another tool you can utilize for gated content or content locking. It is the best choice when you want to make money through premium content. You can create a membership plan for your users and set up personalized rules.

6. Create Contests and Giveaways

Creating a contest or giveaway is a quick way to get new users for your email list. You do not need expensive prizes; you can start by giving simple rewards like gift cards, coupons, and discounts.

Users can participate in contests by giving their email or following your social media accounts. You can use leading plugins such as RafflePress to create contests on your website.

7. Create Lead Magnet Pages

lead magnet page is a reward or a reward you offer users for their contact or personal information such as email, name, and number. Your posts with gated content, premium content, and content upgrades are all considered lead magnet pages.

Lead magnets provide additional or extra value to a targeted audience, such as case studies, infographics, or checklists. You can also give away a resources newsletter, free eBook, or workbook.

8. Create Deals and Discounts

10 Proven Ways To Grow Your Email

A coupon or a discount encourages your users to decide on your website. Why not use discounts to allure users to become part of your email list?

Tools like WooCommerce allow you to create marketing coupons for your page. After users enter their email addresses, you can utilize OptinMonster’s “success” view to disclose the discount code.

9. Create a Contact Form

Contact forms give another excellent opportunity to ask for your users’ email addresses. Users can provide their email addresses on the contact form, and you can create a checkbox so they can subscribe without needing to re-enter their information.

Users are most engaged when they reach out to you using the contact form on your website. You can create contact forms by using several plugins available on WordPress. Plus, you can adopt creative ways to add email subscriptions to contact forms in lightbox popups and user registration forms.

10. Create YouTube CTA Cards

YouTube is the largest video-sharing platform, with 3.25 billion video hours streamed monthly. Have you ever considered using the massive volume of YouTube users to increase your email subscribers? Utilise YouTube call to action (CTA) cards to increase your email subscribers.

You can include appealing information cards in your videos through YouTube action cards, use them to include CTAs, and connect them to lead magnets. A lead magnet is an incentive you offer your YouTube viewers in exchange for their email. Lead magnets offer downloadable content such as whitepapers, premium video versions, or reports.

Looking for more ways to grow your email list? Try increasing your customer engagement?

Download our free PDF guide “14 ways to increase customer engagement” and jumpstart your email list!

Increase Engagement PDF Guide

At Dovetail Group, we provide simple, yet effective marketing solutions and the skills required to make it all work well. Over the past six-plus months, we have achieved excellent statistics for our clients and saved them thousands of dollars.

Interested in learning more? Contact us.

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